Posted by Fabio 7 January 2010
The Russian Club Gallery would like to remind you, in case you haven’t seen it yet, the last day of ‘Naum Gabo & Florian Roithmayr’ is Saturday 9th January 2010.
Posted by Fabio 6 January 2010
A preview into the work and technique of Brazilian fine artist, Herbert Baglione.
Posted by Fabio 4 January 2010
Interview with artist Aya Takano, from the documentary “From Here to Eternity”. Directed by Helene Sevaux.
Posted by Fabio 4 January 2010
I have always been intrigued and fascinated by American artist and film maker Joshua Callaghan’s mix of wit and dark humor in his work which often is critical towards the American material culture and mass production. Callaghan’s art has been exhibited at venues including the UC Riverside Sweeney Gallery, the Guggenheim Gallery of Chapman University, and his videos at museums and festivals internationally. read more
Posted by Fabio 4 January 2010
The Shining from 2009. Created from metal, neonlight, plexi-glass, solar protecting foil, wax, spraypaint, cables. Size: 197 x 102 x 80 cm
Posted by Fabio 3 January 2010
SENKO Studio is a non-profit gallery based in Viborg, Denmark. The gallery showcases work and projects from disciplines such as video, photography, installation and fashion. Each participating artist has to produce a print for a limited edition T-shirt, postcard or poster.
Posted by Fabio 3 January 2010
This shortfilm by producer Fede Alvarez has already had its heydays late last year on numerous blogs, but for the few of you who hasn’t seen this $300 production of giant robots invading Uruguay – here it is. The gossip goes that Fede Alvarez has accepted a $30 million deal from Hollywood only a few days after this movie first was uploaded – well done.