Animation brings “Color Is a Beautiful Thing” to life, off of Nina Simone’s rediscovered album ‘Fodder On My Wings’. Directed by London-based illustrator and animator, Sharon Liu. read more
An exhibition of new drawings by Kiev-born, Tel-Aviv based artist Zoya Cherkassky. This exhibition is the second in Fort Gansevoort’s ongoing online series, SEEING THROUGH YOU. read more
Sarah Ashley Longshore (popularly known as Ashley Longshore) is a Louisiana-based painter and owner of the Longshore Studio Gallery in New Orleans. Longshore’s art focuses on pop culture, Hollywood glamour, and American consumerism. read more
Grimes grew up on bootleg sampling and DIY creation and considers it a vital part of exploring personal style and creativity. She shares unfinished green screen footage, encouraging creators to generate their own videos read more