Posted by Fabio 5 May 2011

Chin Keeler and Emma Tornero have been working together collaboratively for five years, suspending their individual artistic vision and preconceived ideas in an animated dialogue of polar styles. Both concentrate on the same piece simultaneously, intuitively sourcing imagery or deliberating on a concept or theme. They create images in which the impossible emerges as something perfectly natural, where characters play parts in an all-encompassing illusory world – a place of dreams, hallucinations and unkempt fantasy, inhabited by strange beings, beasts and insects living out their lives just beyond our peripheral vision.

Ghostjump translates literally from the German word geistessprung indicating a freeform mental jump from one idea to another. Wormholes are hypothetical shortcuts through space and time. Ghostjumps and Wormholes is a collection of images in which narratives have no linear structure and will transport you back and forth through time and space; leading to the improbable and the unlikely. KEELERTORNERO have cast their pantheon of favourite characters and creatures in an epic soap opera in which seemingly unconnected events can be traced back to a hidden framework. Drawing on all manner of influences from mythical creatures, existing characters and political figures, they attempt to salvage the sublime from the ridiculous. A fisherman from the island of Terschelling can rub shoulders with John Wayne who, trapped inside the body of a stag, is trying to escape his future by becoming the son of Mies van der Rohe. For some years now KEELERTORNERO have been trawling their vast collection of books and magazines for source material and inspiration. They have been searching for the signs that will lead them down a wormhole and seeking the springboards which allow them to ghostjump to the next level. This new work represents a new chapter in KEELERTORNERO’S working relationship. Join us at The Book Club to celebrate the launch and enjoy a enjoy a Absinthe cocktail whilst appreciating this fascinating collection of work.

The exhibition has been directed and curated by Liat Chen.

The Book Club – 100 Leonard Street – London – EC2A 4RH