Maess – United Networks

Posted by Fabio 8 May 2012

Maess explores the topic of emergence as motifs to describe the idea of cyber-intuitive space. Using multilayered interactive structures as patterns, Maess creates drawings that explores raw data sets derived from sources such as professional network connections, airline destinations, demographics, Facebook mentions, and others. Through algorithmic manipulation, the data generates intricate patterns of inter-connectivity that translates into lines and nodes of varying thickness and color.

The last drawing from this cycle will be based on data derived from the exhibition itself. The data will be drawn from number of people viewing the work, online postings (measured by visitor tracking applications), scheduled exhibition and whatever other mentions may follow. These variables will illustrate an example of complex connections existing in contemporary art world, and how the visual content is diffused.

United Networks
Volta Show Art Fair
11th – 16th June, 2012.