Posted by Fabio 22 September 2010
An interview with montreal based artist Jon Rafman who has been working on a series of photographic pieces that use images sourced from google’s street view map system. Here media artist, curator/organizer Nicholas O’Brien interviews Rafman about his recent work and its relationship to cinema studies, as well as talk about how the work digests contemporary Modern experiences – all done in Second Life.
Posted by Fabio 30 June 2010
Scientists have simulated the sounds set to be made by sub-atomic particles such as the Higgs boson when they are produced at the Large Hadron Collider. Their aim is to develop a means for physicists at Cern to “listen to the data” and pick out the Higgs particle if and when they finally detect it. Dr Lily Asquith modelled data from the giant Atlas experiment at the LHC. Read full article here.
Posted by Fabio 1 June 2010
Carl Th. Dreyer (1889-1968) was a Danish director and script writer and is seen as the first grand director of Danish cinema. Jeanne d’Arcs Lidelse og Død, Vredens Dag og Ordet are amongst his most famous movies. Carl Th. Dreyer has now got his own website, an archive with photos and clips from all his movies – well worth a visit.
Posted by Fabio 31 March 2010
Designed by Build and developed by The Antenna Research Facility, New York based photographer Timothy Saccenti’s website has recently undergone a lovely makeover.
Posted by Fabio 16 February 2010
“Jess Baines looks back at London’s printmaking workshops of the 1960s and 70s, DIY sites of political and community activism that rejected the role of the artist to participate in a network of campaign groups, radical publishers and distributors”. Read full article here on Afterall.
Posted by Fabio 9 February 2010
If you happen to be around Long Beach, California from today to the 13 February 2010 and have paid $6,000 then you are most probably attending the TED Conference. For us who haven’t been “lucky” enough to get a ticket, all the talks will be posted in 6 months time on TED’s website. Here is a list of the full line up. Can’t wait to see one of my favorite designers/illustrators Marion Bantjes.
Posted by Fabio 3 February 2010
Tonight from 7–9 UK time one can be in musical company with Slyngelstuen (a place for bad guys). Your hosts, Lars Anders and Henrik will play selections of pop, rock, jazz hiphop, funk, soul, folk and various other genres, this will be streamed all the way from Lyngby, Denmark.
See you tonight.
Posted by Fabio 22 January 2010
Located in Amsterdam The Gerrit Rietveld Academie has recently launched its new website which is sporting the good old Indexhibit web application.