Terry Rodgers

Posted by Fabio 23 November 2009

American figurative painter Terry Rodgers has recently added a collection of new colourful upper-class leisure life orgies to his series of large scale paintings. Measuring 210 x 315 cm they really do claim a lot of attention in any space they might be hung.

An upcoming exhibition featuring these paintings and other pieces of Rodgers work will take place in Brussels at the Aeroplastics Contemporary gallery from 14 January to 27 February 2010.

The paintings below are produced in the beginning of the 90’s where his paintings often contemplated personal and family relationships in brightly lit outdoor settings wrought with pale, intense, high-keyed colors. During the financial boom of the 90’s his style transformed alongside America’s upper class which saw itself enjoying money, coke, glamour and celebrities. As Rodgers states, “I see a world driven by desire and crushed by pseudo satisfaction…wanting better bodies, more beautiful faces, expensive clothes, stunning architecture, exclusivity.“
