Schwitters in Britain

Posted by Fabio 24 January 2013

Schwitters in Britain is the first major exhibition to examine the late work of Kurt Schwitters, one of the major artists of European Modernism. The exhibition focuses on his British period, from his arrival in Britain as a refugee in 1940 until his death in Cumbria in 1948. read more

Silvia Hatzl – A Fragile Existence

Posted by Fabio 9 January 2013

A Fragile Existence is the UK solo exhibition by German artist Silvia Hatzl. The exhibition will showcase her sculptural clothing, distorted torsos and heads which explore the illusion of clothing as a concealment of human nakedness. read more

Kraftwerk – The Catalogue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Posted by Fabio 12 December 2012

The German electronic music pioneers Kraftwerk will play eight live performances in Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall on 6-14 Feb 2013. They’ll be showcasing nearly 40 years of work including new improvisations, 3D projections and animation.

Death: A Self-portrait

Posted by Fabio 7 December 2012

300 works from a unique collection devoted to the iconography of death and our complex and contradictory attitudes towards it. Assembled by Richard Harris, a former antique print dealer based in Chicago, the collection is spectacularly diverse, including art works, historical artefacts, scientific specimens and ephemera from across the world. read more

David Bowie Is at The Victoria and Albert Museum

Posted by Fabio 7 December 2012

The V&A has been given unprecedented access to the David Bowie Archive to curate the first international retrospective of the extraordinary career of David Bowie – one of the most pioneering and influential performers of modern times. read more

Bernd Ribbeck

Posted by Fabio 3 December 2012

Bernd Ribbeck’s new body of paintings on MDF sees acrylic, permanent marker pen and varnish methodically built up and ground down, systematically layered then scratched back, and Ribbeck’s interpretations of the spiritual and the profane grappling within small rectangular arenas of gestural energy and self-restraint. read more

Saad Qureshi

Posted by Fabio 3 December 2012

Saad Qureshi probes the psychology of flawed visual perception and it’s endless distortions of reality through the disciplines of installation, sculpture and painting. Qureshi’s emotionally and aesthetically beautiful work tackles his empathetic concerns for the migrant and his fantasies, desires and frustrations and his alienation. read more

Alina Szapocznikow: Sculpture Undone, 1955–1972

Posted by Fabio 26 November 2012

A sculptor who began working during the postwar period in a classical figurative style, Alina Szapocznikow radically reconceptualized sculpture as an imprint not only of memory but also of her own body. read more