Golden Days

Posted by Fabio 7 February 2012

Golden Days displays works of artists Francis Baudevin (born 1964) and Dominik Stauch (born 1962). The works of both artists have several things in common: Both studied graphic design before they worked as visual artists, in their work both relate strongly to the design of everyday objects and their specific codes and appearances in the media and subcultures. Another important reference for both artists is music. Time and again one can find references to musical movements in the works, from the rock ‘n’ roll of the 60s, through 70s punk to the New Wave movement in the 80s. Francis Baudevin uses logos of well-known medicine packages, corporations, music labels or album covers for his abstract and geometric colour compositions on canvas or directly on the wall. Through the media mix of video, photography, painting, drawing, paintings found images and sculptures, Dominik Stauch creates in his work a dense world of references to both art and music history. In his room and video installations, the sound determines the rhythm of image sequences.

Golden Days
Kunstmuseum Thun
12. Februar – 9. April 2012