Posted by Fabio 13 June 2012
Velodrawings, a solo exhibition by Berlin-based Austrian bicycle-drawing artist, Christian Grillitsch. This unique artist makes beautiful and engaging artworks by skidding his bicycle wheel across the canvas. read more
Posted by Fabio 12 June 2012
The word penumbra is often rendered “half-light,” but the Latin origin paene umbra literally means “almost shadow.” In between the shadow and the light there is a zone through which we may see what is in the penumbra, but we see it with a darkened hue, and it is problematic to say whether it is illuminated or not. read more
Posted by Fabio 11 June 2012
Berndnaut Smilde’s work often draws upon the physical presence of transitional spaces. Places such as corridors, elevators, staircases and balconies interest Smilde as spaces that exist to be in between. This interest also branches out into the possibility of how a given space might be in between states of construction and deconstruction. read more
Posted by Fabio 5 June 2012
Miami-born artist Jose Parla and French artists/activist J.R. teamed up to produce a series of giant size murals all over the city of Havana, Cuba called Wrinkles of the City. read more
Posted by Fabio 1 June 2012
On The Move, explores the different attributes of the word ‘movement’ -‐ both in its physical sense and touching on present day’s chosen and arguably preferred way of life. read more
Posted by Fabio 31 May 2012
One of our latest additions to Citylikeyou is from Media Entrepreneur Constantin Bjerke, the Founder and CEO of a story-telling company, which in 2011 was named a “top ten European start-up to watch in 2011” by the Wall Street Journal. See all of Constantin’s hot spots of London here.
Posted by Lillian Mulero and Jan Galligan 31 May 2012
The advent of electronic books and e-book readers has called into question the future of books, publications and the printed page. This exhibition challenges the notion of the death of the book, about which the curators say, “by no means is the book on the way out, but its concept and modes of reading have changed… read more
Posted by Fabio 30 May 2012
Feelings marks Brazilian artist Nina Pandolfo’s London gallery debut with her Spice Angels series, overflowing with lively patterned, vibrantly coloured canvases and sculptures. read more