Ramsey Dau

Posted by Fabio 18 January 2019

Ramsey Dau’s paintings combine masterfully rendered photorealism with a personal graphic vocabulary of primitive shape, pattern and expressionistic mark-making. Beginning with prodigious observation of his subconscious aesthetic and intellectual preferences, Dau creates hyper-realistic “painted collages” that challenge the viewer to discern their meaning and mode of creation. His compositions draw heavily on his background in graphic design and rely both on chance and focused intention.

I make work that I am drawn to make. Aesthetics plays a major role, but as to my motivation – I believe that to be buried in my subconscious. Modern neuropsychology emphasizes the power of the subconscious and questions the existence of free will, so maybe it is beyond my knowing. Perhaps, in time, it will reveal itself through the making of the work itself. Like some future archaeologist finding an ancient machine and trying to figure out what it is by plugging it in and letting it run – seeing what it makes._Ramsey Dau
