Rashaad Newsome

Posted by Fabio 30 March 2012

Rashaad Newsome’s work examines the visual language of power and status, juxtaposing high and low references to challenge perceived notions of social protocol and hierarchy. Sampling heavily from hip-hop and Pop culture, he selects and appropriates a disparate array of visual components, restructuring them into recognizable statements and symbols. read more

The brothers John & James Whitney

Posted by Fabio 26 March 2012

The brothers John & James Whitney created their remarkable series of Film Exercises between 1943 and 1944. These films are visually based on modernist composition theory, the carefully varied permutations of form are manipulated with cut-out masks so that the image photographed is pure direct light shaped, rather than the light reflected from drawings as in traditional animation. read more

Antonio Santin

Posted by Fabio 23 March 2012

Contemporary art gallery Marc Straus presents an exhibition of new large-scale paintings by Antonio Santin which is his first solo exhibition in New York. This exhibition brings together three related series of works from late 2011-2012 that incorporate the human form as a fetishized object to be hidden or revealed in images that often conjure a cinematic aesthetic. read more

Jorinde Voigt – Konnex

Posted by Fabio 22 March 2012

Jorinde Voigt’s large-scale works on paper are composed of intricately drawn networks of sweeping arcs, arrows, lines and labels recalling written recordings of sonic vibrations. Referred to by the artist as notations or scores, her work uses a unique visual language to represent subjects such as bass frequencies and musical melodies. read more


Posted by Fabio 21 March 2012

Masquerading as a myriad of characters, Cindy Sherman (American, born 1954) invents personas and tableaus that examine the construction of identity, the nature of representation, and the artifice of photography. To create her images, she assumes the multiple roles of photographer, model, makeup artist, hairdresser, and stylist. read more

Tony Hill – Down Side Up

Posted by Fabio 20 March 2012

By the use of a simple camera movement, Tony Hill‘s film Down Side Up explores and reviews some relationships to the ground. The viewpoint continuously orbits places, objects, people and events. The observations gradually speed up to reveal a double sided ground flipping like a tossed coin, then slow again to oscillate about the earths edge.

Andy Warhol’s Polaroids

Posted by Fabio 19 March 2012

Given how much he is still with us, it is hard to believe that Andy Warhol died 25 years ago. Yet the quarter of a century since his death has only affirmed his artistic genius and prescience. read more

As It Lays

Posted by Fabio 19 March 2012

As It Lays is a series of video portraits of Los Angeles’ celebrated icons, by artist Alex Israel. read more